A downloadable game


-Symbol Combination Game-

 Numpad 0-9

-Asteroids Game-

 Rotate left: A, Z

 Rotate Right: D, X

 Shoot: Space, K

-Crank Game-

 Crank: P

-Labyrinth Game-

 Mouse X and Y axis

-Hammer Game-

 Pipe: M

-Button Release Game-

 Button: Space

-3 lever/light game-

 lever 1: 3

 lever 2: 7

 lever 3: 2

-4(now 3) lever/light game-

 Yellow: R,T

 Red: Z, Y

 Green: Q, W

-10 Switch/light minigame-

 Top: C

 Second row left to right: J, N, I, O

 Third row left to right: K, L

 Fourth Row left to right: G, M, B


Stellar Repair.exe 651 kB

Install instructions

For a working leaderboard add a folder called Assets next to exe and put a txt file called Leaderboard in it

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